What to eat to lose weight fast? The best foods for weight loss list!

There are many different methods and training programs for weight loss, but some regular exercise is not enough to achieve good results. You need to understand that a big role to burn fat is the correct and balanced diet. The problem healthy nutrition is very important, because what you eat depends not only achieve in sports, but also your mood, appearance, performance and health in General. Therefore, in this article I will try to give answers, such as hot issues, such as: What are the main principles of good nutrition? What to eat to lose weight fast? What are the best foods for weight loss? List!

Proper nutrition and sports

The diet (lifestyle, diet) – in the first place, the rules of the meal. The diet is characterized by factors such as: heat value, chemical composition, physical properties, time and frequency of meals.

  • Rule # 1 — More protein
  • Rule # 2 — Less carbs
  • Rule # 3 — Water
  • Rule # 4 — Harmful and healthy fats
  • Rule # 5 — the most Important principle for weight loss
  • The menu for the week
  • Best products for weight loss

5 principles of weight loss

No. 1. Daily you need to consume adequate amounts of protein. If the amount of protein is not enough, we could lose a significant part of the muscle in addition to fat, which you're lucky to burn. Enough protein helps preserve muscle mass during a low calorie food.

As a rule, the guys who are trying to lose weight, the amount of protein is 2G per 1kg body weight (for example, if you weight 80kg guy, you need 80 is multiplied by 2 and end up in the normal protein). Girls need slightly less than: 1, 5 g per 1 kg of body weight (for example, if your weight is 70 kg, girls, so you need 70 multiplied by 1.5 and finally to get the daily requirement of protein). If your goal is weight loss, and drying the body, then the norm of protein, both boys and girls increased (boys: 2.8 g – 3.5 g * 1kg / girl: 2G – 2.7 g * 1kg).

The best sources of protein for weight loss: turkey fillet, chicken fillet, hake, Pollock, cod, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites (can be a couple of yolks). Try that should be in your diet attended all kinds of protein foods, because each product has its own unique set of amino acids.

Calorie deficit for weight loss

No. 2. Eat less carbohydrates. Shortage of carbohydrates will help to lose weight faster, because of the lack of carbohydrates the main energy source is fat. To keep the level of carbohydrates per day: 50 – 100 grams. But this does not mean that if you ate 300g of carbs, you just need to cut everything and go 50 – 100 grams. No, you can't do it. Everything should happen smoothly, by the way, in the end, gain more fat than throw. Cut 30 – 50g carbs a week until you have reached the 50 – 100g a day.

Choose complex carbs (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley). Such carbohydrates are to saturate the body with energy for a long time. Also, your diet should include simple carbohydrates (fruits, berries). But simple carbohydrates should not be too much (norm 20%). And don't forget vegetables. Vegetables are a good source of fiber, which positively affects the process of weight loss and the digestive system.

No. 3. Drink plenty of water. Water is the Foundation of our body, it is involved in many processes in life. We are made up of 60% water, so we just need to drink daily sufficient clean water. Health and well-being depends on the quality and amount of liquid. And how strange, an effective process of weight loss also depends on the amount you drink the water.

The first: when the body gets a small amount of fluid increases blood viscosity. Because of this, oxygen slowly enters the cells, which in turn slows down fat burning.

Secondly, the water speeds up the metabolism, but as you already know, a faster metabolism, the faster process of fat burning.

Third: water rids the body of toxins, excess salts and toxins (as if to wash and cleanse the body).

How much water?


Women – 40 ml * 1 kg of body weight (for example, a girl who weighs 60 kg should drink per day 2400 ml or 2.4 liters 40 ml * 60 kg = 2400 ml).

For men – 50 ml * 1 kg of body weight (for example, a man who weighs 100 kg should drink per day to 5000 ml or 5 liters 50 ml * 100 kg = 5000 ml).

No. 4. Exclude from the diet foods which is high in unhealthy fats (animal fats, margarine, butter, and most sweets). Eat low-fat types, such as: egg yolks, cheese, and sunflower oil. Best slimming products (list) in the form of fatty acids are: flax oil, olive oil, nuts, oily fish and avocados. Very often people completely exclude fats from your diet, and this is their error. It is impossible to completely give up fatty acids, as this may cause hormonal imbalance. You just need to remove the bad fats and increase the good. The daily amount of boys and girls = 0,5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

No. 5. And finally, the most important and main principle of losing weight is the strict adherence to this rule, which is: "we have to less calories than you can expend during the day". This means that you need to eat less food and move more. Only in this case the burning the body fat.